A tourist visa is an official document or stamp that authorizes an individual to enter a foreign country for the purpose of leisure and tourism.

  1. Passport (7 Months validity & 2 blank page).
  2. passport size photo 2copy (size:3.5cm x 5.0 cm white background matt
  3. For Business man: visiting card, Business pad, Tread license with English
    notarized copy, company memorandum.
    • For Job holder: visiting card, Office ID, Office pad, NOC/BMDC/Bar
    council Certificate.
    • For Student: College/School Student ID Card & last Month Money
    Receipt, A recommendation letter from the school/college/university,
    Parents’ passport, Bank Statement & Bank Solvency Certificate (Last 6
  4. Plan of The Tour: Applicants need to submit all of his/her tour plans. How
    many days he/she will stay, which place he/she will go to and all other’s
  5. Personal Bank Statements: The applicant must submit his/her personal bank
    statement for the last six months. He/She also needs to mention the Bank’s
    name and telephone number with an authorized bank stamp and signature.
  6. Personal ITR Certificate: Applicant must submit his/her last 3 years income
    tax return certificate.
  7. Company Bank Statements:
  8. Bank statements copy of the sponsoring company or party for the last 6
    months mentions the Bank’s name and telephone number clearly with an
    authorized bank stamp and signature (If the company sponsors the tr
  9. Company ITR Certificate: Applicant must submit the last 3 years Income
    Tax Return certificate of the company he/she works for. The license must
    be legalized by legal authorities (If the company sponsors the trip).
  10. Airline Ticket Itinerary: A reserved itinerary for the applicant’s airline
    ticket as per the schedule of the trip and return from the trip.
  11. Hotel Reservation: A reserved itinerary for the applicant’s accommodation.
    He/She needs to mention the hotel or resort as per the schedule of the trip.
  12. Visa Application Form for Egypt
  13. Vaccination Certificate: Must have a double vaccination certificate.

    ** Visitors have to face an embassy interview.

Visa Fee with service charge
Single Entry : 9900 BDT

*** Visa rate can changed without prior notice

Maximum stay : 30 Days
Processing time : 10 – 30 working day depending on embassy.